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Global Village of Hope - Haiti


Mission Life International’s Global Village of Hope founded in 2012 by Peter Morgan, DC; Gary Deutchman, DC; and Stephen Simonetti, DC. The Global Village of Hope began with a small school and orphanage in a small Haitian city called Ouanaminthe. The vision of the Global Village of Hope is multidimensional. The Global Village will include public grounds and a private campus in Ounaminthe, Haiti, with a small sister campus in Dajabon, Dominican Republic. Our public grounds will accommodate a public library, public athletic fields, public gardens, Chiropractic health center and a Christian church. Our private grounds will include a Christian University recognized by the Haitian Education Service. A clean potable water supply program and sports peer-to-peer education program. Campus housing will include several residence homes. (aproximately $50,000 US for each home) Our Mission Life University will include the first Christian Chiropractic College; a College of Language and Arts, a Theological College, a Vocational College including auto mechanics, woodworking, electrical studies, plumbing, fine arts, computer science, tourism (travel/leisure), hygiene, sanitation, goal setting, small business, and astronomy.

All of our programs are designed to promote youth leadership as a means of empowering local youths to become self-reliant. We intend to grow into an organization that will serve children all over the globe. In addition to Haiti, Mission Life International touches the lives of children in the Dominican Republic and the United States. Our founding project (Global Village of Hope) in Haiti, will serve as a pilot program, which Mission Life International envisions expanding to additional communities in the Dominican Republic and other targeted countries.


Our goal is to equip our students with the power to make a difference in Haiti, which is why we feel it is imperative that all Mission Life International Haitian orphans and other MLI students be given the best education possible especially in language arts.


MLI would like to take its goal of strengthening the minds and bodies of children one step further by offering vitalistic programs geared toward educating children on the importance of taking care of our planet. Eventually, it is our hope to raise enough money to build a viable program that has a lasting impact on the world.


By collaborating with community leaders in order to foster relationships and create acceptable format to communicate important messages, MLI aims at making specific and substantial steps to improve the lives of children.  We are aware, that as a small organization, we must be realistic about how and in what way we can best serve children. We believe that the success in our mission is achieved by focusing on a grass-roots level, while building a viable program with ties to all levels of the community.
























Our plan is to provide a well-designed village while simultaneously offering a normal life in a clean and healthy environment we call “The Global Village of Hope”.  The village will be self-contained with a elementary school, high school and colleges. We will have a health center, a mini park with playground, athletic fields, gardens, fountains and a small plaza, etc… with scheduled garbage pickups. The village will include housing for 150 orphans, 100 students and 15 teachers, staff and missionaries. Each building will house 50 students and will have space for a chiropractic health center and chiropractic intern clinic. Students will be welcome from across the world. They will also have access to several hospitals. We currently take care of every MD, every nurse and every patient at several hospitals. We can also check every new born for vertebral subluxations. Cost of each house is $50,000 US. 


We will also have an area suitable for agriculture. The village will also be equipped with power generators, solar energy systems for lighting and water storage facilities.


Our Global Village of Hope will utilize a model for building permanent residence halls in Haiti that will be sustainable and renewable far into the future. The residence homes will be strong in the face of storms, built from locally acquired materials. 


Organic Farming: With the help of our teachers and student’s, we will complete a vegetable garden so that the children can plant and grow their own fruits and vegetables. This program helps sustain MLI's Nutrition program by providing nourishing food to students while they are at school. MLI would also like to assist local fruit farmers in developing organic farming practices.

In order to produce sufficient food to support families higher yields and more diverse crops must be incorporated.  Increased crop yields will enable families to have a more balanced diet as well as provide excess amounts to sell at local and regional markets, thereby augmenting family incomes. 


The water and sanitation situation in Haiti is among the direst in the Western Hemisphere. According to the WHO/UNICEF 2008 Joint Monitoring program report, only about 70% of urban residents and 51% of rural residents have any access to improved water services. Sanitation coverage is also very low in both urban (29%) and rural (12%) Haiti is one of the most water poor nations in the world. There are few rivers, streams or lakes to get water from, and what little water makes it into acquirers is frequently polluted. And having access to water doesn’t mean the water is safe to drink. Wells provide water for irrigation and cleaning, but to make water safe to drink, it must be purified. The Global village of Hope will provide specialized water purification systems for our students and inhabitants.


Nearly all Haitians claim religious affiliation (80% Catholic; 16% Protestant; 1% none and 3% other). However, 50% of Haitians claim to also practice voodoo. (CIA Fact Book, March 3, 2011)

A local church is the utmost spiritual hope for the nation of Haiti. MLI will strive to nurture strong Haitian pastors with resources, training and financial support. The pastors we will work with will be identified through recommendations and references and display high degrees of integrity, character, and honesty that usually are already leading a congregation.

Through an expanding network of missionaries, local pastors and other organizations we will provide resources to further God’s Kingdom and aid spiritual growth. By delivering leadership training and conferences, culturally relevant materials, and contemporary tools, the goal is to equip leaders to more effectively teach Biblical truths. 


Mission Life International’s Vitalistic Health center will collaborate with community leaders to tackle vital health issues such as Cholera, HIV/AIDS, and Malnutrition. We intend to launch a Nutrition program that will offer school children and after school students nourishing meals.


Mission Life International will offer an HIV/AIDS awareness program for children and adults with the help of a local HIV/AIDS educator. HIV/AIDS workshops are provided for local leaders and people of the Ounaminthe community who want to become HIV/AIDS educators. Mission Life International will soon begin to offer these workshops. The HIV/AIDS education program will incorporate traditional methods of communication such as story telling, singing and drumming. In addition to this program, MLI will produce its own socially and culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS brochure to help raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, as well as children's rights.


Cholera is a very serious disease that Haitian individuals are all too familiar with. Taking preventative measures is our first step in protecting local children from developing this illness. Our cholera program will include a fresh water program, a Mosquito net program and a nutrition program ensuring that people are well nourished. We will include a natural immune system program that will make sure that their immune systems are strong enough to ward of ailments.

Malnutrition has both health and educational consequences that hinder children from reaching their full potential in life. Children who are malnourished are at increased risk for contracting and developing acute and chronic diseases. In Haiti malnutrition is a major public health issue. Studies conducted by United Nations Standing Committee on Nutritionindicate that "malnutrition impairs intellectual potential" and that "good nutrition provided in early life of children is crucial for optimal growth and mental development." It is our belief that providing our students with a nutrition program will reduce the risk of illness and will improve learning.



MLI will use a soccer program and basketball program as a platform to train players to become HIV/AIDS peer educators. This is achieved by requiring HIV/AIDS training prior to admission to the team, thereby combining Haiti’s favorite past time with HIV/AIDS awareness initiatives.



In order to realize such a plan, we need an average of 12 acres of vacant government land or land from private donors.  3 acres of land in Haiti and 3 acres of land in the Dominican Republic have already been donated. The acquisition of more land will be necessary. We will require 800,000 US Dollars for the completion of our Global village. We will start with one building at a time. Each building will cost $50,000 US. I Peter Morgan, DC have already donated $10,000 to the completion of the first building. (5/16/2106)


While I was in church on February 10, 2013, I was reading Nehemiah 17, in the old testament of the Bible aka the Jewish Torah. Nehemiah learned that the walls of Jerusalem were in ruins, mere heaps of stones. The city was in distress with poverty and garbage everywhere. Jerusaleum lieth in waste. There were fires burning everywhere and it reminded me of Haiti. Verse 18 says “ Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me and spoken to me and said lets rise up and build. God is telling us to do that in Haiti.  The book of Nehemiah relates how the news made him very sad and tells the story of how he asked the king to send him to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. The rebuilding process had a unifying and bonding effect, as community members worked together. Others tried to sabotage the rebuilding and the project wasn’t without controversy. But God supported the rebuilders. Almost 2,500 years later, I know God is calling us to work to restore the broken foundation of families in Haiti


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