Mission Life International, Inc
Our purpose is to help the poor especially in those countries where resources are so terribly limited.
Haiti needs your Hands. The people of Haiti depend upon our light to change their lives. Join us on an extraordinary mission trip. It could possibly change your life in a powerful and positive way. We began our missions in 2002 in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Trinidad, Tobago, Venezuela, Cuba and Tibet China. During January 2010 we were in Port Au Prince, Haiti on a mission trip. We returned to New York on January 11, 2010. The very next day on January 12, 2010, Haiti was struck with the worst earthquake in the last 200 years and one of the worst in recorded history. Our team of 20 returned to Port Au Prince and started feeding and adjusting thousands. Mission Life International was born. Over the last 10 years Haiti has been struck with several devastating hurricanes. The people need your healing hands.

Our Primary Focus:

Mission Life International’s Birthing Center
We have created a safe place for Haitian women to receive compassionate and respectful care at the hands of skilled midwives and chiropractors. No one will be turned away. Every morning many women start their day waiting to be seen by the midwives. Women enter (in labor) to our sanctuary to safety to have their babies.
The site of our professional building is on our Mission Life International Village of Hope property. We have 4 other buildings on this property. A building that houses our chiropractic orphanage. A kitchen building with a large kitchen on the ground floor and 4 rooms with bathrooms upstairs. Our gazebo restaurant has the capacity to host 100 people.
It cost us $75 for each mom and baby. This includes evaluating mom during first trimester, all follow up visits, the birth of the child at our birthing center, vitamins and other follow up visits. Includes midwifery care and Chiropractic care of mom and baby. Please consider donating $75 and we will send you photos of mom and baby. You can even come on a mission trip and meet them in person.

Our Accomplishments:
We have completed 115 mission trips during the last 20 years with over 4,000 people in attendance. Mission Life International clothes, feeds and houses 40 children in our Village of Hope, Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Our education arm educated our 40 children at our Mission Life Orphanage and 100 children at Pastor Prospers school. Mission Life International has built wells, installed water filtration systems and built desks and blackboards since the devastating earthquake of 2010. In January 2013, we moved our children into better housing with a security guard and employed a nun to help provide structure in their daily routine and assist in their daily activities. With the Wellness for All foundation, we finished construction of new housing for our children. We built housing for our staff with a large Kitchen on the ground floor for our future restaurant. We built a huge Gazebo with seating for 100 people. We built the Mission Life Birthing Center which is two-story beautiful building. Our employed 4 midwives live upstairs in a nice apartment. We are building another apartment upstairs for two chiropractors. In this last year we birthed over 150 babies and saved 5 woman and 6 children’s lives. We have brought approximately 3,500 Doctors to Haiti since 2002. We have created a music school. People donate us musical instruments and we hire music teachers. At the end of our mission trips, we have a talent show. The children sing dance and perform along with some missionaries. We have purchased land for Pastor Prosper who was about to lose his church and school. The wellness for all foundation built a church and Christian school for Pastor Prospers congregation. We have built a motorcycle repair shop and parts store. This has created jobs for our older boys. With the wellness foundation we have a sewing center. We have a computer lab with 12 computers. Students will be granted scholarships for Life Universities on-line bachelor’s degrees in biology. We are looking forward to donations of more musical instruments. We would like to have a van to transport pregnant woman to our birthing center. We need to build out an apartment for two chiropractors. We need continued donations to run our birthing center. We need to complete our outdoor restaurant. Funds are needed for all of this. We are trying to make sure our orphaned children will have jobs when they leave our family home. Currently our mission employs 20 people from Haiti. Look at some of our other programs.

Mission Life International’s Love Shoes for Haiti Program.
We opened a music school to give our orphans and hundreds of other impoverished children the blessing of playing music. We hired music teachers to our orphaned children. Some of our older children now play professionally. We received cello’s, violins, guitars and many other musical instruments, but we need many more musical instruments. On the final day of our mission trips, our children sing and dance and play extraordinary sounds with their musical instruments. Currently we are in dire need of 4 saxophones, 4 trumpets, drums and three keyboards.

Mission Life International’s Love Notes for Haiti Program.
We opened a music school to give our orphans and hundreds of other impoverished children the blessing of playing music. We are working with the Church of Notre Dame in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. which houses the school. We received cello’s, violins, guitars and many other musical instruments. Our children are now enrolled in music school.
Mission Life International’s Love Cycles for Haiti Program
We are now looking for love cycles. With gasoline at $6 US a gallon and the average wage for a Haitian worker at less than $25 a week we have created a love cycle for Haiti program. Please help us with donations of new or used bicycles.

Mission Life International’s Love Prosper for Haiti Program
Pastor Prosper’s pregnant wife lost their baby in her eight months of pregnancy. Driving his motorcycle on his way to the Hospital to visit his wife Pastor Prosper was involved in ahead on motor vehicle collision. He sustained multiple injuries and was in the hospital for months. He had to walk with crutches for 18 months. While his church was left unattended for three months his church was completely ravished by a hurricane. The church and school had to function in rubble for over a year. The wellness for all foundation (the village of hope’s education department) raised funds and the construction of the church and the home for the pastor and his family began. We are happy to say that construction is just a few dollars away from completion.

Mission Life International’s Love Bricks for Haiti
Donate $5000 and you will get a wing of the building named after you.
Donate $1000 and you will get a room named after you.
Donate $75 per brick to help us build the building.

"The power that made the body heals the body"
Our Next Step:
To continue and open another music school to give our orphans and hundreds of other impoverished children the blessing of playing music. The school will be free for all of the orphanages in this region. We are working with the Church of Notre Dame in Ouanaminthe to house the school. We appreciate you thinking of these children. Your kindness is making a major impact for these loving souls. We truly believe that music will help transform the community in Ouanaminthe in many ways including economically.